Length: 13M
Diameter: 200mm
Project Length: 1 day
Completed by: Toast
Initial Situation:
At the Environment Agency River Thames office (Benson Lock house, Oxfordshire). The Flue for the open fireplace was CCTV surveyed and recorded as unsafe requiring relining.
Project Challenge:
Due to the geography of where the lock house was situated, it was a challenge to get all FuranFlex25 equipment over the lock bridges from the vans (500 yards).
Liner Chosen:
FuranFlex25 RWV chimney liner was identified as the most suitable lining solution, being non-invasive and capable of expanding to fully line the existing chimney. With certification for high temperature and a fully comprehensive 25-year guarantee.
The flue was fully restored and the open fire was now safe and operational once more.
Completed by: